Mise Futures

Mise Futures is a service that develops custom future scenarios for organizations in the food and agriculture industry. 

We work with clients to forecast future scenarios and develop current-day strategic recommendations in the style of the Mise magazine.

Click below to schedule a call to discuss a custom futures project for your organization or learn more below.

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Forecasting Your Future

What do you need to know about the future of food?

Foresight isn’t a crystal ball, but it’s the next best thing. Each futures project begins with deep discussions and research to understand your organization’s current situation, concerns, and aspirations. The goal is to first define the topics and timeframes that matter most to your current day business strategy.

Every food and agriculture client has unique needs, but here are the kinds of questions that Mise Futures can help you better understand about the future:

  • What does the future of my industry look like?
  • How might my core customer change over the next few years?
  • What could the competitive landscape look like for my product or service?
  • In what ways might certain emerging technologies or trends disrupt my business?

Each Mise Futures report is custom-made for your organization to cover the future themes most important to your strategic business planning.

The Mise Futures Process

We create a custom futures report for you in three main project phases.

the process: phase 1

Signals Research

What are the driving forces that will drive change in food and agriculture?

Signals are the foundation of futures work and every future scenario we develop for you is an extrapolation of a meaningfully relevant emerging signal.

What are the emerging current events, trends, and innovations that could profoundly change the way you operate? We investigate and interview the consumers and industry innovators who are actively shaping the future of food and agriculture.

And since food doesn’t exist in a vacuum, we also look at the factors within society, technology, the economy, the environment, and politics that influence the food system.

the process: phase 2

Scenario Development

Building the visions of what your future may hold.

We’ve done the homework, now it’s time to put it all together into the storylines that will describe the future of your food or agriculture business.

Most futures projects aim to create 3-4 different scenarios using the most important and relevant signals to your organization. From the scenarios, we will identify the key opportunity areas and watch outs that inform your final strategic recommendations and action items.

The food system is massive and complicated, but eating food is one of the most small, intimate things we do daily. Great scenarios illuminate the future of food on a macro and micro level so you can optimize your operation at scale while maintaining empathy for the consumer.

the process: phase 3

Analysis & Action Planning

Providing strategic recommendations for today, powered by better visions of tomorrow.

The purpose of foresight is to be used as a strategic business tool for today. All scenarios about the future exist to inform how your business should act right now to accelerate toward utopia and avoid dystopia.

We give you an analysis of each scenario to show how today’s emerging signals may turn into tomorrow’s prevailing trends. We will pinpoint the new opportunities and obstacles that may emerge in the future and create action items for your organization to best deal with them.

Even though scenarios may envision the future of food 5-10+ years from now, we always work backwards from those futures to guide your business strategy for the next 1-3 years. No business really has a 10 year plan, but by thinking more critically and imaginatively about the next decade, you can be more successful for the near term.

Captivate Your Audience

We bring the future to life in a way that hooks your audience into the storylines.

Creating the content is half the battle. We make sure to package it in a format that’s far more compelling than huge powerpoint decks or white papers. Mise Magazine was designed to immerse readers into a different world with storytelling and visuals on the level of what you’d find on Netflix, HBO, and Hollywood. We do this in a number of ways:

Vivid Imagery
The narratives are brought to life with AI generated illustrations and modern layouts in a magazine-like format. It is important to prioritize these production elements to make the end product as compelling as possible for internal and external audiences.

Speculative Advertisements
The ads in Mise are not simply comic relief or eye candy—they help to build a more 3-dimensional world of the future that the client wants to examine. Ads are designed to be eye-catching and thought provoking in a single page or less. A compelling and believable movie has good set design and production values that reinforce the story and transport you into their world. Ads in Mise act as set design for the stories contained within that transports readers into the future.

Special Features
Depending what you, the client, wants to explore and communicate, customized feature articles and creative pieces can be created to tell any story that doesn’t fit in the main scenario narratives. These features can be long or short, textual or visual. There is no preset format and they can be designed in whatever way tells the story we want to tell. For readers, features like this can reel them in with bite sized content that piques their interest and brings them into the other stories.

Get a Proposal

Schedule an exploratory call to determine how Mise Futures can help your organization.